Saturday, March 23, 2013

Petting Zoo

We were on the move for most of the day today. First we went to a local home show. They had a petting zoo there for the kids and Emmett LOVED it! He wasn't scared of the animals at all and wandered around petting all of them. 

He started with the goats

His favorite was probably the chickens and ducks. He came back to them multiple times

Next up was the donkey. The donkey was way more interested in Emmett than he was in it. He tried to steal Emmett's hat right off of his head! These pictures crack me up because you can see Emmett trying to hold on to his hat in the second one.

His beloved ducks

More goats. This one kept trying to climb over his fence.

A pony!

Emmett wanted to pet this one, but when he tried it shoved him. He didn't mind though. 

He looks like such a big boy here.

Back to his favorite ducks

One last visit with the goats before we left! 

When we left there we headed to the outlet mall to get Emmett's spring/summer wardrobe. There were a couple sales I wanted to hit up and we got the majority of what he will need for warmer weather at some decent prices. His favorite thing about the outlet mall would be the balloons from Old Navy. We always go back to the dressing area(no idea why they keep them back there) to see if they have any before we leave. He was in luck today! 

We came home so he could take a nap and then have dinner. After dinner he went to spend some time with Nana while we went to Home Depot and Lowes to get the rest of the stuff to finish the guest bath, as well as a new light fixture for above the table. That is tomorrow's project! 

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