Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Big Boy Car Seat!

We tested out the convertible car seat for the first time today. Emmett likes it a lot better than his infant seat. I'm guessing it is more comfortable; it looks it anyway! I'm going to miss being able to just snap the seat in to the base, take him in to the store while he sleeps in his car seat, etc. He was over 17 lbs almost 2 months ago, so he is probably at least 19 lbs now. He is just getting too heavy to lug around in his infant seat anymore.

Someone mentioned to me that when he turns a year old, he can be turned to forward facing. I realized that a lot of people don't know about the new safety guidelines. Just because the law says you can turn a child around at 1 year or 20 lbs, definitely does not mean you should. Here is a youtube video that was sent to me that shows the story of a child severely injured in an accident because he was forward facing. If you look around, there are dozens more videos on the same subject.

Here is also a picture from google showing the proper way for a baby to be buckled in. I see chest clips down low or loose straps way too often. :/

Annnd I'll get off my car seat safety soapbox now. :)

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