Sunday, July 13, 2014

July 4th Weekend

For July 4th, we were invited to spend the night in a family member's cabin in Lake City. We went up Thursday and came home Friday evening after the frieworks. We had a great time and Emmett was happy the entire trip, which was awesome! My autofocus was accidently switched off and I didn't realize it until later, so some of the pictures came out with really bad focus. Oops!

There was a parade Friday morning. It was one of the longest parades I have ever seen! It lasted over an hour. Nana and Poppa helped Emmett grab lots of candy that he didn't need. I think he may have eaten his weight in tootsie rolls and suckers that morning. 

We also went to the carnival they had set up. Emmett of course rode the carousel...

He also rode his first solo ride ever! He asked to go on this little train, but he has always flipped out about one of us not riding with him and has never actually managed to take a solo ride. We figured this would go the same, but he actually got on the ride and loved it! He had to ride it 3 times!

We can't go to Lake City and not spend at least a little bit of time on the beach. It wasn't long because we were due back for dinner, but Emmett got to splash around and play in the sand for a bit. 

We had a nice grilled steak dinner and celebrated a birthday with cake and ice cream after the beach. Phew. Busy day! Finally we went to the fireworks. Some of Emmett's cousins were camping just a little farther north than us and came to Lake City for the fireworks. He had a blast with them!

Checking out his light up star necklace before we left for fireworks. He was excited to have all kinds of light up stuff and glow sticks. Glad I stocked up at the dollar store because they were expensive at the fireworks show! 

With his cousin Leann

They were having sword fights with their glow sticks

Here is a video of their sword fight

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