It's not actually summer for another week or two, but it's close enough! I love summer weekends. Saturday we went to the nature center at Kensington. Emmett loves to feed the fish and turtles there!
Feeding some fish
Big fish!

More and more turtles come up the longer you feed them. They get pretty territorial and swat at each other with their tiny feet. It cracks Emmett up

Inside the nature center they have a little play area. Emmett loved looking at all of the slides under the microscope.
He also loved these "blocks" which were an actual cut up tree

On Sunday we made our annual trip to Frankenmuth. We always stop at Bronner's and get a new ornament or two each year and then walk around town a bit. Emmett was very excited to pick out his own ornament this year!
Next to the giant Santa at Bronner's!
Watching them make fudge!
Eating some gelato from Sugar High
The best shot he would let me get with the fountain in town. Of course he wouldn't cooperate for a family picture.