Our first stop was Great Wolf Lodge. Emmett had a blast at the water park! The second day of our trip, his cousins came up and he got to play with them as well!
We also got some beach time in, but that water was COLD!
Slide on the playground at the beach
He really wanted to climb this thing...
He made it up there with some help!
More beach time on another day
We made a trip out to Charlevoix to tour the castle that we stopped at a couple years ago. We love this place! There is so much to see there. Emmett also got some really cool stuff from the gift shop, including a train book where the train actually goes on a track on the pages, and a wind up knight that gallops. I need to get a video of that because he's hilarious when he plays with it!
Dragon sculpture! If you know Emmett, you know he loves dragons.
He was also impressed with this big turtle statue!
Throwing fish food in the pond...
The fish were huge and Emmett loved feeding them! We did this for quite awhile
Fascinated with the fish
Checking out one of the fountains and refusing to look at me..
Entering the train garden and pushing the button to start some of the trains! I think this is the coolest part of this place!
Some of the trains
Checking out some of the trains with Daddy
Even the roof if the big gazebo had trains in it!
Checking out another fountain...
Playing with the giant chess board
These next few pictures crack me up. Those chess pieces were heavy!
Overall not a bad trip! I just wish Emmett hadn't been sick and fussy for a lot of it. Our next trip up north will be Lake City for the holiday weekend, so I'm hoping everyone is healthy and the water is a little warmer!
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