Thursday, August 2, 2012

Milestone Explosion!

Emmett has really had a lot of milestone moments in the past 2-3 weeks. His two bottom front teeth are now both through the gums, he has pulled up on his crib, loves to stand, and is considered mobile and dangerous. Seriously. We need to baby proof the house pronto. He doesn't care much for crawling on his knees, but army crawls all over the entire house.

I haven't taken many pictures lately for whatever reason, but here are the random ones I did take.

At the Fowlerville Fair last week.

 You can kind of see his bottom teeth in this one.

 Checking out a horse with Daddy. He liked the horses. The pigs on the other hand, terrified him when they started squealing.

Just hanging out in his diaper after bath time.

This is his favorite way to sleep. We call it the bear cub position. On knees, rump in the air. Cutest. Thing. Ever.

Standing up while he holds on to the ottoman in the living room. :)

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