Tuesday, June 5, 2012


Just so random pictures from the past couple days.

"Reading" his bath book and rolling around. Emmett is working really hard on learning to crawl. Every time he rolls to his belly he is trying to get up on his knees. He still finds a way to get where he wants to go in the meantime. He has been rolling, scooting on his back, and commando crawling.

Playing with a new toy. It's a little tractor wheel. He is currently obsessed with it and I am on a mission to get a video of him playing with it this week. It is so stinkin' cute! He shifts the gears, turns the wheel and honks the horn.

Just being silly while Mommy took his picture. You can see his room often looks like a toy bomb went off. :)

We have a super busy week coming up. Tuesday we are having Emmett's 6 month pictures done, Wednesday he has his 6 month well exam plus the Hamburg Family Fun Fest that evening, and Thursday we are leaving for our vacation in Traverse City. I can't wait for a little R&R at the beachfront hotel. Emmett will get to try out his new baby float in the hotel pool, play on the beach, and maybe dip his little toes in Lake Michigan if it is warm enough!

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